Atlantic Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Tallahassee, FL - January 14, 2017

Halls Pride Var.
C. reticulata 'Hall's Pride Var.'

The Tallahassee Camellia Society
January 14-15, 2017
The Doyle Conner Administrative Building
3125 Conner Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida

" Show Chairman - Stewart Tomlinson Show Co-chairman-Alex Hinson
1,507 Blooms Exhibited
400 Attendees (Saturday)
46 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): 65 blue ribbons, Chuck & Bev Ritter
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 39 blue ribbons, Bill & Linda Nichols

Gold Certificate (protected): 93 blue ribbons, Jerry & Carol Selph
Silver Certificate (protected): 47 blue ribbons, Randolph & Marilyn Maphis


Best Bloom in Show unprotected - Sara P. Paul Award: 'Mrs. D. W. Davis Descanso', Charles & Donna Nichols

Best Bloom in Show protected - L. H. Paul Award: 'Hall's Pride Var.', Howard & Mary Rhodes

C. japonica unprotected:
VLg: 'Lauren Tudor', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Lg: 'Oscar B. Elmer', Patrick Andrews & Bob Weidman
Md: 'Elaine's Betty Pink Var.', Bill & Linda Nichols
Sm: 'Black Gold', Fred & Sandra Jones

C. japonica protected:
VLg: 'Lady in Red', Jerry & Carol Selph
Lg: 'Mary Fischer', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
Md: 'Deep Secret', John Newsome
Sm: 'Red Hots', Jerry & Carol Selph

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg: 'Frank Houser Var.', Fred & Sandra Jones
Lg: 'Terrell Weaver Var.', Bill & Linda Nichols
Md: 'Lady Ruth Ritter', Alex & Jane Hinson

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
VLg: 'Pearl Terry', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
Lg: 'Phyllis Hunt', Jerry & Carol Selph
Md: 'Mary Elizabeth Dowden', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet Pink', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Md: 'Dancing Blaze', Eileen Hart
Sm: 'Punkin', Chuck & Bev Ritter

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Md: 'Julia', Jerry & Carol Selph
Sm: 'Spring Daze', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis

Best Miniature unprotected: 'Francis Council', Eileen Hart

Best Miniature protected: 'Tinsie', John Newsome

Best White Bloom unprotected: 'Melissa Anne', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Best White Bloom protected: 'Yuki-Botan', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Seedling or Sport Bloom, protected or unprotected: 'Virginia', Bill & Linda Nichols


Tray of Three-same variety unprotected: 'Buttons n' Bows', Fred & Sandra Jones

Tray of Five-different varieties unprotected: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Tray of Three-same variety protected: 'Man Size', Jerry & Carol Selph

Tray of Five-different varieties protected: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Jerry & Carol Selph


BB: 'Margaret Davis', Sarah Docter-Williams
RU: 'Dr. Cy Echols', Sarah Docter-Williams
Best White Bloom: 'White Nun', Emma Jean Crocker



1 'Paul Haskee Var.', Chuck & Bev Ritter
2 'Happy Times', Patrick Andrews & Bob Weidman
3 'Valentine Day', Alex & Jane Hinson
4 'Titleown USA', Patrick Andrews & Bob Weidman
5 'Black Knight', Fred & Sandra Jones
6 'Raspberry Glow', Chuck & Bev Ritter
7 'Lipstick', Alex & Jane Hinson


1 'Raspberry Flambe', Jerry & Carol Selph
2 'Mary O'Donnell', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
3 'Bill Goertz Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
4 'Frank Houser Var.', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
5 'Lauren Tudor', Jerry & Carol Selph
6 'Happy Times', Jerry & Carol Selph
7 'Clown', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis


Best Hulyn Smith or Cultivar Originated by Hulyn Smith 'Ray Gentry Var.', John Newsome